6 Ways to Create Natural Links

Creating natural links is one of the most efficient approaches of website promotion and traffic increase. But where can we get them? A “fresh” blogger or website owner might find these several methods of getting high quality links quite useful.

1. Publish a product review

Reviews are always appreciated by readers, especially those of new products (goods or services). Remember, as soon as a new version of iPhone or iOS, everyone wants to read the review and find out about updates, advantages and disadvantages. Think of the review which will be interesting for your target audience and publish it on your website or a blog! Natural links are guaranteed!

2. Be the source of news

If you manage to be the primary source of news, numerous websites will refer to your website when searching for additional materials. Google pays more attention to the sources publishing exclusive news.  You may get numerous backlinks from different domains by publishing news. However, it  is not enough to just write news, you must also notify the target audience.

3. Guest post writing

Writing quality content for your own website or a blog can really bring you links, but in order to increase the audience, you need to share your articles with another quality web sources related to your sphere. This process is called “guest blogging”.

Publishing your quality articles on other websites and blogs you may create natural and solid backlinks to your own web source. Just do not turn guest posting into an automated process, and pay attention to every detail when creating your articles. Other websites also prefer fresh content.

4. Organize a competition

Contests still attract much attention, engage the audience and allow to get back links. Even if no one would refer to your competition, you can safely leave messages on the forums and put a link. It is desirable that contests were themed, as thematic contests attract the target audience among other benefits. Sometimes it’s hard to come up with a theme and commercial companies organize contests where everyone can participate (but it is desirable that the contest remains closer to the target audience). Watch what kind of contests are organizes by your competitors (on websites and social networks), and come up with something original for yourself.

5. Conduct a research

Conducting a research or an experiment is a great way to attract market experts to your website. And if an expert refers to your research , you may find numerous  references and citations from other market participants. It is not necessarily to publish the results of the research on your site as long as the reader knows who the author is. If the research is published on some authoritative website or blog, this publication may attract even more attention. If you have an excess to some reliable statistics, it can be analyzed and the results can become a wonderful article bringing solid links to your website.

6. Create a top list

The top lists help readers to grasp the whole picture on a certain topic or goods. Your readers will appreciate this information. Such articles always increase traffic and create a possibility to get fresh natural links.

As you can see, there are different ways to create natural links and improve the position of your website. Though, some of these approaches are time consuming and rather complicated, but all of them are efficient and safe.

2 thoughts on “6 Ways to Create Natural Links”

  1. Great tips here, google has made it much more difficult to rank for spammy sites. These are some solid ideas that can be followed to create good content the Google will love.

  2. Hello,

    I like the stuff you are posting on your website to convey good messages and about social media. I would also like to contribute my guest article for your website, which I am sure you will like it, and is also as per your core niche.

    Angel Ayla

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