For all intents and purposes, responsive designs are in demand, and this demand is not likely to head south anytime sooner. When you have got a website that works on all types of OS platforms and the varying screen sizes, you know you have taken steps in the right direction.
Usability is the true measure of success for any online endeavor, whether it is an eCommerce website, or for that matter, a more personal blog that depends on adsense for its revenue purpose.
A website high on the scale of responsiveness attracts a larger chunk of Internet users, and it manages to retain them, thus giving publishers a better shot at good conversion rates.
But with all said and done, the myths have already knocked the door of responsiveness in their own strangely convincing manner. The webmasters are made to feel the jitter when they are told that their responsive web site may not be as optimized for user experience as they otherwise believe. Let’s take a look at some such myths that run rampant:
You Only Need Responsive Website for Mobile Optimization of Your Site

This is most definitely the most widely believed misconception doing the rounds on the web. There isn’t any dearth of webmasters who are led to believe that they only need to inject responsiveness to their website if they wish their mobile users have a good experience accessing their website.
First of all, even if it’s true, it is alone worth the price of admission. Because as we take leaps towards the future of the web, we realize that more and more web users are using mobile devices to stay connected to their favorite websites, online friends, online shopping portals and so on. But that’s not the question in the first place.
What needs to be understood is that a responsive web sites goes far, far beyond mobile optimization. A responsive web site is one that is optimized for every kind of device and operating system that the website may be getting traffic from. Besides, it also takes into account that certain users use relatively weaker Internet connections.
So, your website has to accommodate every variety that comes along, irrespective of how small or big the device’s screen is. Besides, at times, a responsive web site is said to be a lesser mobile-friendly version than a typically mobile-optimized website because it includes many scripts that are not at all needed to load the website on the mobile devices.
Building a Responsive Website Means Burning a Hole in Your Pocket
There is a relatively bigger investment involved in building a responsive web site as compared to building a standard one. But the returns are far, far bigger than the puny additional money you have put in. When you have a website that doesn’t swing at your users the issues like crashing, slow loading speed, incapability of loading certain elements, etc. you are taking a great stride towards user-friendliness. And more user friendly is your website, better are its chances to turn visits into tangible returns.
A Responsive Website Means Restrained Creativity
For what it’s worth, creativity knows no restraints. So, if you believe that by asking the designers to create designs that are responsive means choking their creativity, you are widely off the mark. For a designer who has creativity as his/her hallmark, adaptability shouldn’t be a problem. While it is true that the designer’s attention is pulled in an entirely different direction, there is still much more to explore.
Some great examples in case are those of the minimally designed websites that are built with a great rhythmic charge, but without resorting to a use of abundant colors and intricate designing patterns. The minimal websites make a strong pitch in terms of their visual appeal, despite being devoid of any extra tones and textures.
And they look so beautiful, owing to the efforts and creativity injected by the designers who know how to make even the black and white designs look most vibrant and overwhelming. A minimal website may contain not more than 3 colors, but the innovative manner in which those 3 colors are added is what makes these websites stand out and gain a firm ground on the overtly crowded web bazaar.
Typography is Trifled with in Responsive Designs – in a bad way
Yes, there are adjustments made to the typography on your website in the case of responsive web designs. But be rest assured, the changes are made in a manner that suits the device and the screen it is being accessed upon. It also depends on your developer and designer if they are doing a good job of making the typefaces, the fonts, etc. compatible and adaptable with different platforms.
As we move to the new world order, responsive web sites will keep making bigger impacts. So, get the myths out of your way right away.