There are many ways to use and publish articles and posts on WordPress nowadays. One way is to make use of mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets.
Download the WordPress apps for Android and iOS to your devices and you have WordPress at your fingertips.
Personally I prefer the most common way and use a computer and a web browser to manage my website. I am honestly fascinated by how many young people (including my own daughter) deal with their phones today! Their fingers move faster than the speed of light over the small digital keyboards. It is impressive.
Times are changing and mobile devices are used more and more. Trends spinning fast and there are new ways to manage and publish content all the time, including on WordPress.
Today, many people are using their smartphones and tablets to easily write, edit and publish posts on their site. If you use WordPress for Android, there is a new version, WordPress for Android version 3.4 to download in Google Play Store. Some changes and updates that have been made are:
- Images now supported in comment notifications
- Support for users experiencing three failed logins
- Improved “share with WordPress” view for small screens
- Refreshed icons and new high-definition graphics

WordPress for Android is a powerful publishing tool making it easy to create and read contents. It supports WordPress installations on, and most web hosting as long as version 3.7 or higher is used.
If you want to get access to beta versions with beta updates you get it directly through Google Play. But keep in mind that the beta versions may have new features, new fixes, and possibly new bugs. If You Want to join the group for testers can request access on the WordPress for Android Beta Google+ Community. And I conclude with some inspiring word from Mobile Apps.
Inspiration strikes anytime, anywhere. WordPress: at your fingertips.