The Most Smart Way to Display Your Post with Thumbnails (WordPress Plugins)

Display Your Post with Thumbnails (WordPress Plugins)

WordPress is one of the popular platforms to build blogs. Blogs is all about posts, which bloggers often publish at different point of time. After posting a number of posts, your blog can appear too cluttered; however, there are ways and means to get things organized. You can get the posts appear in thumbnails using … Read more

Awesome WordPress Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals

It’s that time of year! Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals! The Christmas shopping season has begun. If you want to do great bargain then this is the time to purchase and do some shopping to make awesome deals. I have gathered some of the best WordPress Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals from … Read more

10 Free Twitter Bootstrap WordPress Themes

Twitter Bootstrap WordPress Themes

Twitter Bootstrap WordPress themes are on the rise and very popular right now. More and more web designers and theme developers use Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a framework for faster and easier web development to create both HTML and WordPress themes. Since Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton on Twitter created this framework, it has become one of … Read more

Utilising your Website to Promote your Business

Utilising your Website to Promote your Business

Even with the growing ubiquity of social networking, you really cannot understate the value of a well-designed and properly utilized website. If you own and manage your own business, chances are you already have a website but you may have been spending so much time on ‘Twitter’ and ‘Facebook’ recently that you’ve been neglecting your … Read more

Anchor Text vs. Linking Name to Anchor: The Difference and Why It Matters

SEO Tools - Free Ways to Improve Your Page Rank

There are many different linking practices a small business can use to improve SEO, so it’s important to keep track of all the different terminology. Unfortunately, this isn’t always easy. Once you get past the most popular types of linking—internal versus external links and your on-page versus off-page links/backlinks—you see a lot of confusion.  You … Read more

50 Pinterest Inspired Themes for WordPress

Pinterest Inspired WordPress Themes

Pinterest is the largest social network for organizing and sharing photos and I really love it. It’s very easy to create a collection or board with things that inspire you and share it. You can upload your own images or pin cool photos you find on the web. Create your own boards and invite other … Read more