When we use our WordPress blogs, it is almost inevitable that we use one or more WordPress plugins to add extra features. There are of course the WordPress Plugin Directory to find all sorts of excellent free plugins, but sometimes it is not enough! Therefore I have collected 10 premium WordPress plugins with great features and with extraordinary prices. How about this! All these awesome plugins Comes With Prices Below $5 …
SocialBox – Social WordPress Widget
SocialBox is a easy to use WordPress Plugin which enables you to add a sleek social widget to your WordPress site or blog. It displays the current numbers of Facebook likes, Twitter followers and YouTube Channel and Feedburner Feed subscriptions.

- Displays Facebook likes, Twitter followers and YouTube & Feedburner subscriptions
- Disable one or more of these (e.g. if you only want the Facebook likes)
- Updates every three hours to reduce load time and api calls
- Full support for all major browsers
- Localization ready (.pot file included)
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
Advanced Comments Widget

Advanced Comments Widget is a advanced widget that gives you total control over the output of your comments. The comments widget replaces the default WordPress Recent Comments widget and there are a lot of great features, check below;
- Number of Comments, che total comment to display
- Avatar Size, size in pixels
- Post Author, display comment by post author
- Intro & Outro Text, if you want to add additional text or HTML
- Custom Style & Script, if you want to add additional CSS style or javascript per given widget class
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
WordPress Social Counter

WordPress Social Counter adds social media counters to your blog posts from many services including Twitter, Facebook and Google +1.
- Where to display – pages / posts
- How to display – horizontal / vertical
- If vertical you can control the position in your page
- What to display – Facebook | Twitter | Google +1 | StumbleUpon | LinkedIn
- Style your counters – background and border colors
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
Posts By Author Widget Pro for WordPress

Posts By Author Widget Pro for WordPress is a plugin that provides a very powerful widget that can be used to display a list of posts published by a specific author. With 15 configurable options, this widget is extremely flexible and will suit any WordPress site.
- 15 Options to Choose from on a per-widget basis
- Option to Choose the Author to Displays Posts From
- Post Excerpt Display with Length Control
- Featured Thumbnail Display
- Multiple Widget Instance Support
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
Extended Tags Widget – WordPress Premium Plugin

Extended Tags Widget – WordPress Premium Plugin is an advanced widget that gives you total control over the output of your tags. The Tags widget replaces the default WordPress Tag Cloud widget.
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
Advanced Categories Widget

Advanced Categories Widget is an advance and great widget that gives you total control over the output of your categories. The plugin support multiwidget, category image, easy to customize and full features. Displays a list of Categories as links.
- Show description for displaying the categories description
- Thumbnail Height & Width, for diplaying the categories image size
- Child of, only display categories that are children of the category identified by this parameter
- Feed Type, show the feed type in atom, rss, rss2, or rdf
- Hide empty, toggles the display of categories with no posts
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
Custom Post Widget

Custom Post Widget is a WordPress Plugin that shows your popular, most commented, recent, tag based, category based, or any else custom post to a widget. It comes with a highly-customizable control panel. It is easy to use and support multiwidget even in the same sidebar.
- Post Query
- – Popular Post
- – Related Post for your single post view
- – Recent Post
- – Multi-Tag Based
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
Authors Widget – WordPress Premium Plugin

Authors Widget is a widget that shows your site authors with details description and avatar. Widget can be used multiple of times even in one sidebar area.
- Multiwidget
- HTML output or string option
- List style type option
- Show post count option
- Custom script and stylesheet
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
960 Grid System Shortcode

960 Grid System Shortcode – Do you have a 960 grid system installed in your WP theme? By using this plugin, writing the post/page content is become very easy. No more typo-error and no need to remember one_fourth, two_third_first or first_for_the_last. You just need to know your grid number for your content.
- No additional admin panel
- Shortcode editor
- Support for 12, 16 and 24 grid system
- Support additional class for prefix, suffix, alpha, omega, pull and push
- Support additional style for individual grid
UPDATE: This plugin is not available now!
Advanced Post Tags Widget – WordPress Plugin

Advanced Post Tags Widget – WordPress Plugin is an advanced widget that gives you control to the output of your post_tag. It support multiwidget, resizeable post tags featured image, sorting and ordering…
- Key Features & Widget options
- Description, option for displaying or hide the post tag description
- Thumbnail, enable or disable the pages featured image
- Include & Exclude, for including or excluding selected page(s)
- Intro & Outro Text, if you want to add additional text or HTML
UPDATE: This theme is not available now!