If you use WordPress as a platform, sells or offers products and services your customers and visitors must be able to contact you quickly and easy. Wouldn’t it be perfect to use a chat function on your website?
There are many WordPress plugins to choose from if you do a search for “chat” in the WordPress plugins directory.
Which plugin is best? It is hard to say, but today I test a free live chat plugin from Twoople to see how it works.
The Twoople free Live Chat plugin works on all visitors devices. It’s responsive, built with HTML5 design and look perfect in any screens. The plugin makes it easy for your visitors to quickly chat with you or your team regard your services, products or just small talk. But the main feature is the ability to communicate quickly. You can use the plugin for chat or support on your website. There are also Twoople apps available for iPhone and Android when you’re on the go.
But the main feature is the ability to communicate quickly. You can use the plugin for chat or support on your website. There are also Twoople apps available for iPhone and Android when you’re on the go.
How does Twoople work? Let’s find out!
Install – Twoople Free Live Chat Plugin

Visit Twoople and create a Twoople address. Install the Twoople plugin from WordPress directory and activate it.

Access the Twoople settings form in the menu to the left in your admin dashboard. Enter your Twoople address, select your widget style and position, and click “save changes”. Your website visitors can now chat with you through the Twoople widget and here is how my result looked like.

Wrapping up
Twoople is very easy to use and within minutes, you have a chat function running on your website. There is not much to configure and customize. I would love to see more features such as being able to change colors, appearance, and behavior. But keep in mind that the plugin is free and works perfectly as it is. Twoople plans to introduce premium features in the future, so hopefully, there will be more configuration options later on.
Overall I think that the Twoople free Live Chat plugin for WordPress is a very easy-to-use plugin and the chat function works very well. If are you looking for a live chat plugin for your WordPress website this is absolutely a plugin worth a try.
What do you think about using a live chat feature on your website?
Very simple and easy to signup and install. Thanks for the tip. Other great thing is that I can also include my chat address in email sig. it’s not limited to just the website.