How to Choose the Right Web Host?
If you’re starting a WordPress website, you need a good and reliable web hosting. There are lots of web hosting to choose from with prices from low to high. To help you along the way, we have selected the best reliable WordPress hosting companies for you to choose from.
1. Cloudways
Cloudways is the next generation Managed Cloud Hosting Platform that provides convenient cloud hosting for websites built on popular frameworks. With the combination of Nginx, Varnish, Apache, and Memcached, it optimizes your WordPress and WooCommerce websites for blazing fast speed and top notch performance.
2. Bluehost
Bluehost is a popular web host among WordPress users. They offer optimized hosting for WordPress with shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated hosting. Bluehost shared service delivers a powerful, proven platform that’s perfect for hosting your websites with a simple, secure, and fast managed WordPress solution.
3. FastComet0
FastComet is the fastest SSD Cloud Hosting Provider, optimized for best WordPress performance and security. All plans include free script installation and upgrade, 24/7 rocket-fast support assistance, free CDN and unmatched WordPress Firewall for excellent performance and security of your WordPress websites.
4. WPEngine
WP Engine is one of the industry leader in managed WordPress hosting. WP Engine provides best-in-class customer service on top of innovation-driven technology. Whether you are setting up a personal blog or an intricate and complex multi-site for your brand, WP Engine makes managed WordPress hosting simple, scalable, and secure.
5. DreamHost
DreamHost is just perfect for WordPress blogs and websites of all sizes. DreamPress 2 is fully customizable for novice to advanced WordPress designers and developers. You get a WordPress-optimized server that is managed by DreamHost, so you can spend less time running the server, and more time managing your website or blog.
6. SiteGround
SiteGround has special hosting solutions for WordPress, Joomla, Magento and other popular web applications. To improve your experience with these tools, you have an optimized server setup, unique security and speed systems, detailed tutorials, free templates. On top features like free domain names, 24/7 support, 99.9% uptime.
7. FlyWheel
Flywheel is a WordPress hosting company built specifically for web designers, freelancers, creative agencies and people like you. They feature simple WordPress hosting, powerful tools, free migrations, expert support and rock-solid managed hosting. Rest easy with built-in performance tuning, server-level caching and WordPress security.